Are tenants giving you more stories than dollars?
“I will have the money in by Friday, at the latest.”
“I am just waiting on my disability check.”
“When my boss pays me, I will pay you.”
“I sent the rent check in last week, you didn’t get it?”
Legally Evict
If you’re tired of providing free housing and want to get your house back, you have come to the right place. We have streamlined the eviction process to remove your tenant as efficiently as possible. Legally.
The Law Offices of James Surane will handle the eviction process for you from start to finish through your local courthouse and sheriff’s department. You will be informed every step of the way. We have handled over 100,000 eviction cases to date!
At The Law Offices of James Surane We:
Prepare all the paperwork for filing.
File your case at your local courthouse.
Communicate with the court on your trial.
Prepare all paperwork for the day of trial.
Present and try your case to the magistrate.
File your request for lockout with the Sheriff.
Communicate with you at every step!